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Why was this blog created?

All further in-house efforts to further justice in the US justice system are futile. These efforts are only worthwhile to the degree that they provide additional documentation of the widespread corruption of the US justice system.

Our focus must be on the international community.

In November 2010 the United Nations will review for the first time ever the Human Rights record of the United States. Corruption of the justice system was the core of reports filed by Human Rights Alert and others for the April 2010 deadline.

In August 2010 the US State Department is scheduled to respond on the reports, and in November 2010 the UN will conduct the review session and issue the report, and set goals, which the US would be asked to reach between 2010 and the next scheduled review in 2014.

Between now and November 2010, we must focus on informing and lobbying the nations that sit on the review panel, to ensure that the most effective report is issued.

This blog was created in hope that the French Government would support a UN UPR report that calls upon the US federal government to provide equal protection under the law to all who reside in the United States.

Please call or write your elected representatives. Please ask that the French Government support in November 2010 the issuance of a UPR report by the United Nations, which calls upon the US government to abide by its duties and responsibilities pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

S'il vous plaît appelez ou écrivez vos représentants élus. S'il vous plaît demander que le soutien du gouvernement français en Novembre 2010, la publication d'un rapport par les Nations Unies, qui invite le gouvernement américain à respecter ses obligations et responsabilités en vertu de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme.

S'il vous plaît signer la pétition - Libérer Richard Fine

RICHARD FINE was arrested on March 4, 2009 and is held since then in solitary confinement in Twin Tower Jail in Los Angeles, California, with no records,  conforming with the fundamentals of the law, as the basis for his arrest and jailing.

Richard Fine - 70 ans, ancien procureur des États-Unis, a montré, que les juges de comté de Los Angeles avait pris «interdit» les paiements (appelé par les médias "pots de vin").Le 20 Février 2009, le gouverneur de Californie a signé «immunités rétroactives" (amnesties) pour tous les juges à Los Angeles. Moins de deux semaines plus tard, le 4 Mars, 2009 Richard Fine a été arrêté en audience publique, sans mandat. Il est détenu depuis en isolement cellulaire à Los Angeles, en Californie. Aucun jugement, condamnation ou la peine n'a jamais été inscrit dans son cas.

S'il vous plaît signer la pétition - Libérer Richard Fine:

Friday, August 13, 2010

10-08-10 Scorecard ACLU: Obama est-il place au abusives politique de Bush

ACLU Scorecard: Obama Is Embracing Abusive Bush Policies

Tuesday 10 August 2010
by: Deb Weinstein, t r u t h o u t | Report

For disillusioned Obama supporters, the ACLU's July report
"Establishing the New Normal" is not a heartening read.

After being voted into office on promises that included undoing abuses
carried out under the Bush administration - promises to protect
privacy, to end government-sanctioned torture and rendition programs
and to end the use of military commissions for non-enemy combatants -
President Obama's administration is proving it is far easier to tow
the line than buck a trend.

According to a report by the ACLU, the current White House has not
just failed to meaningfully follow through on its promises, but has
also taken abusive policies, and, as shown in the case of targeted and
interminable detentions, eroded civil rights to unprecedented levels.

Although the ACLU applauds the administration's condemnation of the
torture and rendition programs instituted under Bush, it says these
positive steps are overwhelmed by what remains uncorrected and
unaddressed. Using the CIA's destruction of 92 interrogation tapes as
an example, the ACLU says that an investigation into the incident -
which was approved by a CIA official and is purported to have erased
torturous interrogations carried about by Americans - has dragged on
for three years with no resolution in sight The length of time is a
minor issue compared with what the ACLU says such foot dragging
signifies: "Sanctioning impunity for government officials who
authorized torture."

Fear of an unchecked, unaccountable government permeates the ACLU's
report, particularly in the section about targeted killings. In this
instance, it is not just that the Obama administration has continued a
policy of targeting alleged terrorists, but that it has a new wrinkle:
American citizens, such as Anwar al-Awlaki, are also being rounded up
in the "O.K.-to-kill" list. The shortfalls of this approach are many,
and the ACLU says that the inaccuracy of less life-and-death
approaches should make such an approach intolerable. "Over the last
eight years, we have seen the government over and over again detain
men as 'terrorists,' only to discover later that the evidence was
weak, wrong, or non-existent," the report says.

When the accused do have legal recourse, the ACLU says the
administration is also failing, and the two-tier court system
available to detainees - federal courts and military commissions -
does little to showcase the United States' legal system as fair and
just. Instead, the ACLU says the biased military commission system,
which has a lower evidence standard and allows anonymous, third-party
testimony, is also inhumane because abuse during detention or abuse
during interrogations do not disqualify testimony. The ACLU says even
the federal court system is tainted because it is used at the
government's discretion, and even then, only when the defense thinks
losing its case is impossible.

The report also takes aim at detention itself. According to both the
ACLU and the Department of Justice's January 2010 Guantanamo Review
Task Force report, there are Yemenis, who in the parlance of the
Department of Justice, are eligible for "conditional detainment," and
in the language of the ACLU, "have been cleared for release after
years of harsh detention." These Yemenis can only be released under
the following conditions: if there is an appropriate rehabilitation
program for the detainees when and if they return home; if they cannot
be repatriated to Yemen, that the third-party country has sufficient
security. But first, the US has to revoke the moratorium on their
release. The ACLU says, however, that this problem is not confined to
Yemenis at Guantanamo, nor does blame rest solely with the president.
The ACLU says Congress has also helped keep individuals, specifically
Chinese Uighers, from being released.

The ACLU also asserts that the current administration has allowed the
rules of detention to morph beyond reasonable limits such as geography
to the point that individuals can be picked up in areas that are not
war zones, transported to detention centers that are in war zones, and
then, based on the location of their detention, treated as though they
were captured in battle areas. Such power, the ACLU says, makes
everyone a combatant. The ACLU indicates the domestic impact of this
logic could erase civil rights, particularly if a Thompson, Illinois,
prison becomes a holding place for Guantanamo detainees. "We fear that
if precedent is established that terrorism suspects can be held
without trial in the United States, this administration and future
administrations will be tempted to bypass routinely the constitutional
restraints of the criminal justice system," the report says.

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