Nelson D. Schwartz
Eric Dash
Editors of the NYT
Dear Mr Schwartz, Mr Dash and the editors of the NYT:
I write to inform you that the statement in your New York Times article on May 13 web article, [1] copied below, is false and misleading:
- Nearly two years after Washington rescued big banks with billions of taxpayer dollars, half a dozen government agencies are still trying, with mixed success, to peel back the layers of the collapse to determine who, if anyone, broke the rules.
Please note the latest complaint, filed with US Attorney Office, Central District of California, linked below, [2] and prior complaints linked in it, pertaining to conduct of Bank of America and Brian Moynihan, alleged as racketeering and large scale financial institution fraud by a corporation that is recipient of some $200 billions in bailout funds in recent years.
SEC, Office of Thrift Supervision, Office of Trade Commission, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, FBI, and US Department of Justice have consistently refused to investigate complaints against Bank of America, and Countrywide before it, since at least 2007. [3]
Joseph Zernik, PhD
1) Basel Accords Committee on international banking
2) National Central Banks, Research Departments
[1] With Banks Under Fire, Some Expect a Settlement
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/business/14banks.html?_r=1&dbk [2]10-07-06-Complaint-Filed-with-US-Attorney-Office-Los-Angeles-Against-Moynihan-Bank-of-America-NYSE-BAC-Bryan-Cave-LLP-Alleging-Racketeering-and-Large-Scale-Financial-Institution-Fraud
http://www.scribd.com/doc/33971099/[3] Additional records pertaining to refusal of US agencies to investigate large scale fraud by large financial institutions can be found at:
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